Discover RTP Connect
We have you covered. Get around RTP easily– with just your smartphone. Download Lyft, enter an eligible trip, and get moving with your day.
Get StartedRTP Connect is more than a ride–It’s a lifestyle.
RTP Connect is a pilot program for commuters traveling in Research Triangle Park. Through this program, you can get up to $10 off per Lyft trip within the RTP Connect service boundary. RTP Connect is a partnership between Research Triangle Park and GoTriangle.
Anywhere in RTP?
Use RTP Connect to travel within the service area, which consists of Research Triangle Park and select areas outside of RTP, near the GoTriangle Regional Transit Center (see map). Eligible trips must start or end at one of two locations: Boxyard RTP or the GoTriangle Regional Transit Center.

Boxyard RTP
Regional Transit Center
RTP Connect Service Area

Eco-friendly Travel Made Easy
Use RTP Connect for lunch, leisure, or work. Download Lyft and use code RTPCONNECT.
Step 1
Go to your designated pickup location. Trips must begin or end at the GoTriangle Regional Transit Center or Boxyard RTP and must occur within the designated service area. View Map.
Step 2
Sign into your existing Lyft account or download the Lyft app and create a Lyft account.
Step 3
Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner and click Payment > Lyft Pass > Add Lyft Pass.
Step 4
Enter the code RTPCONNECT. The subsidy will be applied to any ride that starts or ends at Boxyard RTP or GoTriangle Regional Transit Center. You will need to enter the code once and not each time you request a ride.
Download Lyft on the App Store or Google Play to use RTP Connect.
Passengers without smartphones can book their Lyft trips through the GoTriangle Information Center directly at 919-485-7433. By providing a phone number or an email address, riders give GoTriangle permission to use this personal information to provide trips.

RTP Connect FAQs
How can I book a ride?
Customers with smartphones will be able to book a subsidized Lyft trip by first downloading then opening the app and entering their requested drop-off and pick up locations within Research Triangle Park.
- Sign into your existing Lyft account or download and create a Lyft account.
- Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner and click Payment > Lyft Pass > Add Lyft Pass.
- Enter the code: RTPCONNECT. The subsidy will be applied to any eligible ride. You will need to enter this code once and not each time you request a ride.
OR: Click the voucher link found here.
Passengers without smartphones can book their Lyft trips through the GoTriangle call center directly at 919-485-7433. If the requested origin and destination follow the rules of the RTP Connect program, up to $10 will be applied to the cost of the trip. One end of the trip must be the Regional Transit Center.
What is the service area?
Trips must begin or end at the GoTriangle Regional Transit Center and must occur within the designated service zone.
Will the shuttles be wheelchair-accessible?
Passengers requiring a wheelchair-accessible vehicle should call 919-485-7433 to arrange their trips through GoTriangle. If a ride is needed before 7 a.m., please arrange the trip the night before.
Will I owe money during the peak times when Lyft often charges more?
During most tests that GoTriangle has conducted, few fares, even at the peak of the peak, were more than $10. But, yes, if the fare is more than $10, customers will be responsible for any overages. You will be able to see the rate prior to booking.
Do I need to tip my driver?
Tips are not included in the $10 subsidy and are up to the discretion of the rider.
What if I do not have a cell phone or cannot download the app?
You may also request services by calling 919-485-7433.
Can I request a ride in advance?
For the Lyft promo codes to work, you must be at your pickup location when making the request. Rides that are booked in advance will not be eligible for the subsidy.
What are the cancel and no-show policies?
What are the cancel and no-show policies?
What are the cancel and no-show policies?
You may incur fees for cancellations or no-shows of a requested ride. These fees will not be covered by the subsidy. For details, please review Lyft’s cancellation and no-show policy.
My voucher says it is expiring at the end of the month?
The voucher promo renews each month.

Safety Tips
Where do I go and what should I do when I exit the bus at the Regional Transit Center?
Use the pedestrian crosswalk on the platform and follow the Lyft signs to the designated pickup location.
Do not use a cell phone while walking on the platform. The distraction can cause an unsafe conditions resulting in possible injury.
Note: Lyft vehicles are not authorized to drive on the platform. The Lyft driver must pick up riders at the designated pickup location.
What is the safest way to wait for my Lyft ride?
Always stand in the designated Lyft pickup location.
Avoid spending any time standing outside the designated pickup area. You can choose to wait inside the Regional Transit Center lobby until the app shows the driver is 2 minutes away and then can walk to the designated pickup location.
Observe your surroundings and be always cautious.
Never get into a car with someone who claims to be a Lyft driver without asking to see identification or asking the driver to verify your name and destination.Use your smartphone flashlight (if needed) to confirm the license plate number and to clearly identify the driver.
What should I do if I feel threatened or unsafe?
If you see something, say something. Pay attention to approaching vehicles. Call 911 immediately if something does not seem right. Trust your instincts. Stay on the phone with the 911 operator until told to hang up.
An emergency call box is located 25 feet to the left of the Regional Transit Center pickup location. Push the call button, and a 911 operator will respond.
How do I report non-emergency and security concerns?
Contact the GoTriangle Regional Transit Center Customer Service Call Center at 919-485-RIDE (7433). Our Customer Service Associates report all non-emergency safety or security concerns weekdays from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. to GoTriangle’s Safety Department.
Additional Safety Advice
The Lyft app will always display your driver’s personal info (name and photo) and car description (license plate, make, model and color).
Before entering the car, make sure the license plate and make and model match the info displayed in your app.
Verify your driver’s name with the name of the driver in the app, or you can also ask the driver to verify your name or destination.
At night, the Lyft Amp, a colorful device that sits on many driver dashboards, can help you find your driver. Check the color in your app to make sure it matches your driver’s.
If you are having trouble finding your driver, feel free to text or call him or her through the Lyft app.